Wednesday, April 4, 2007

paris, sf, nyc

pandit pran nath: raga cycle, palace theatre, paris 1972

with la monte young & marian zazeela: tambouras, terry riley: tabla.

and also,

pandit pran nath: midnight, raga malkauns 4 viii 71 sf, 21 viii 76 nyc

with terry riley: tabla, ann riley & simone forti: tamboura + k. paramjyoti: tabla, la monte young & marian zazeela: tamboura.

two recordings with a quiet intensity, like a cecil taylor played by erik satie.
there is an extreme emotional level as well that contrasts with the drone to create a severely heightened experience.


  1. I was just litening to Midnight and completely mesmerized! I'd love to have the Palace Theater...

  2. i'll send it along soon, it is amazing stuff.
    good for drinking the red business.
    reminds me so much of coltrane.

  3. That really wasn't a hint for you to send it along...not that I'd mind...

  4. i have a bunch of things for you 2 anyway.

  5. Yes, Raga Malkauns gives such an incredible, expanding transcendental experience...
