Sunday, May 13, 2007

recent descents into melancholia

maurizio bianchi & jozef van wissem: das platinzeitalter
william basinski: shortwave music
earth: hibernaculum
arve henriksen (with helge sten & stale storlokken): strjon
iron & wine: works
jóhann jóhannsson: ibm 1401, a user´s manual (esp. the track: the suns gone dim and the sky's turned black)
roy orbison: best of

earth: hibernaculum

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maurizio bianchi & jozef van wissem: das platinzeitalter

albrecht dürer, melancholia 1514

oed: a functional mental disease, characterized by gloomy thoughtfulness, ill-grounded fears, and general depression of mind.
also see: melancholeric, melancholiac, melancholian, melancholiant, melancholic, melancholicly, melancholico, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholious, melancholish, melancholist, melancholize, melancholy.


  1. that johann is paraphrasing dorothy parker:

    the sun's gone dim, and
    the moon's turned black;
    for i loved him, and
    he didn't love back

    good music too.

  2. Over the last day or so, I've been going back and forth between The River and Shortwavemusic myself. I think the former is truly one of the greatest things he's ever done. Also, really like Strjon and been meaning to check out Hibernaculum. Other new music that has haunted me lately: SOTL's And Their Refinement of the Decline and Air Formation's Daylight Storms (if you're into shoegaze).

    You have a wonderful, wonderful blog, by the way.

  3. the d. parker is very melancholic indeed, unrequited love...
    i am planning on getting the sotl soon, i like them very much. yes, the river is out of this world, shortwavemusic sounds alot different than what i have heard before.
    thank you kindly.

  4. The new SOLT is pretty wonderful... and I've been litening to the Jóhannsson, Basinski, and Henriksen a lot myself, lately... have to get Earth, though...

    And you've reminded me to go back to that Borges and listen to the Yeats - beautilful, beautiful poem!! Thank you. Yeats was my first love, back in middle school.
    And I remember
    discovering his poem "Ephemeral" and making all sorts of people read it, much to their dismay...;-)

  5. i can't wait to hear the stars.... looks like nice packaging as well.
    do you have the new shortwave?
    the d. parker song is to much (to much beauty), almost have to stop myself from listening to it. the tracks with the instruction talk have sort of become boring on multiple listens though,
    i haven't read ephemeral, i will this evening, and i just reread walser's balloon story, so beautiful.
    what are your other favourites in that collection?
    i haven't read that book in such a long time.

  6. We don't have the Shortwavemusic, I've been listening to Variation #9 Pantelleria, but would like to get El Camino Real...

    I've been listening to the forsetar Jóhannsson, but should go back to ibm 1401 and listen again...

    And of course, Lefty's been playin' a lot lately...

    Anyhow, Ephemeral is quite dramatic - and would perhaps not be my favorite Yeats now, but you know how it is when you're 11...

  7. el camino still hasn't come out right?
    can't wait.
    couldn't get into forsetar for some reason, sold it, without burning. will have to listen again.
    honestly, i need to read more yeats. but i need to read lots of things, should quit my job and read read read....

  8. Your posts are great, and richly generously illustrated, looking at them is an experience.

  9. thank you kindly sir.
    i will take a look at yours as well.
