Tuesday, June 19, 2007

«der process»

page 1

page 30

from the kafka project the trial, "im dom" chapter


  1. ah i see there it is from - great link. i find that so interesting, people's handwriting. always thought that it is a shame people nowadays with all the computers tend to write less with the hand. It's practical of course and has its own advantages, but still...i always love to see handwriting, if it is an interesting one...

    "I would prefer my handwriting to be photographed instead of printed, because printing does away with handwriting. Handwriting is a lovely thing; it is a live and full of character. I want my handwriting to be photographed because I want people to understand that it comes from God. I could write beautifully but do not want to be perfect. I am not an aristocrat. I come from the people. I love the aristocrats but i want love for all people. I love my servants, and I love my wife. I understand my wife. She likes good manners. I am not polite in my manners because I do not want to be. My love is simple. I know that if a man who can analyze handwriting reads this, he will say that 'the writer is an unusual man,' because the handwriting jumps. I know that jerky handwriting means kindness of heart. I am able to tell good people from their handwriting."

    Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky

  2. thanks for that great quote, i have always wanted to read his diaries, after reading colin wilson's the outsider. have you read that? a great book.
    the kafka site is cool, i wish they had a bit more stuff though, the last page (30) is just stunning.

  3. i agree page 30 is great, after i had written the last comment i thought, damns, i forgot to write page 30 is cool. No haven't read the wilson. but look forward too. so many books, you know. but the nijinskij is not such a thick one brick-like book...

  4. before i pass, i will read it, you are right, so many, so little time (when you work 40 hours a week).
    the wilson book has all the greats in it,
