Friday, June 1, 2007

parker 51 & chopin

some beautiful things (shot in soft focus like garbo)

parker 51s

parker 51 ink

montblanc meisterstück hommage à frédéric chopin


  1. very beautiful. - and that tunis blue. so exotic. and that shape and color of the montblanc. Such things always make me want to write immediately diligent and beautiful sentences...

  2. that ink well was quite a nice find.
    did you get more parker 51s?

  3. they do make you want to write, i love to use them, in my notebooks, keeping track on nothingness.
    the chopin's color was what made me get it.

    no more 51s, have had these all a while except for the open one......

  4. was while searching for stills from some Ozu movie that i happened to stumble on your is a really wonderful job that u are doing here..Are u a film major ? i recently happened to watch Floating Weeds (the color version) once again...and the final Train station sequence in that movie is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen in my life...i just wanted to share that thought with you...Please Keep posting

  5. thank you anand,
    it has been a while since i have seen that film, i am looking for more train images so i will rent it.
    i did go to art/film school, a while back.
    keep up the drawing.

  6. will there be copyright issues when you post these movie stills...?

  7. no, i give credit for them, and own them, so it should be ok.

    i saw them, very beautiful old pelikens, they are hard to photograph aren't they.

  8. yes very difficult to photograph actually, and sometimes they were rolling away...
    still they remain and endlessly intriguing subject

  9. pen & ink (for antonia as well) = pure potential, and therefore exciting

  10. they do like to roll, and there is much potential.,
    i like to draw with them as well, the line is just so beautiful.
    and the way it reacts to paper.

  11. oh yes, drawing.
    and the way how the ink dries in the beautiful

  12. Did you hear that Helene Grimaud is mont blanc's new spokesperson? Of course she is being criticized for it but I think it is her buisness, what she chooses to do. If she wants to support her wolf refuge, good-luck to her. She strikes me as a loner performer, like Glen Gould, and who knows how long she will do the concert tour thing.

  13. i think maybe i saw that on your blog, or somewhere, i think that is great, what better company to represent (with all these pop people selling themselves to cocacola or other degenerate companies.) she is very beautiful for sure.
    you know, i have never heard her play, i listen to alot of classical but never have heard her. will have to take a listen some time. my favourites are maurizio pollini, alfred brendel, gould, angela hewitt, steffan schleiermacher (his satie.....and cage).
