the waters are black and swirling.....
our eyes so fixed
that the darkness surrounds us
and we are drowned by the loss of light
david tibet
......he suffers this anguish and abandonment in
the horror of the night.....
blaise pascal, pensees
what shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue
edmund burke, 1780
(from the sleeve notes of the inmost light by current 93)
including the albums:
where the long shadows fall, 1995
all the pretty little horses, 1996
the stars are marching home, 2007
where the long shadows fall, 1995
all the pretty little horses, 1996
the stars are marching home, 2007
I adore this album...
i saw him buying a sandwich in hastings the other day.
it is quite an album i agree,
and that is very cool. i like his outfits.
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