(some books related to robert bresson):
-robert bresson by rené briot, editions de cerf, 1957
-bresson by jean semolue, editions universitaires, 1959
-the early work of robert bresson by richard roud, found in film culture, no. 20, 1959
-robert bresson by michel estève (#8 in the cinema d'aujourd'hui series), editions sehers, 1962
-the films of robert bresson edited by ian cameron, praeger, 1969
-the films of robert bresson by daryl chin, program notes for museum of modern art, 1970
-transcendental style in film: ozu, bresson, dreyer by paul schrader, university of california press, 1972
-on bresson and une femme douce & on bresson and the standards of cinema by jonas mekas from movie journal: the rise of a new american cinema 1959-1971, the macmiillan company, 1972
-the rethoric of robert bresson by p. adams sitney from the essential cinema: essays on the films in the collection of anthology film archives, vol. 1., anthology film archives and new york university press, 1975
-notes sur le cinematographe by robert bresson, gallimard, 1975
-notes on the cinematographer by robert bresson, urizen, 1977 & green integer, 1997
-fragments: bresson's film style by lindley hanlon, associated university presses, 1986
-cinematography vs. the cinema: bresson's figures from modernist montage: the obscurity of vision in cinema and literature by p. adams sitney, columbia university press, 1990
-robert bresson, éloge, cinémathèque français, 1997 (similar to the cinematheque ontario monograph)
-robert bresson edited by james quandt, cinematheque ontario, 1998
-le corps au cinema: keaton, bresson, cassavetes by vincent amiel, presses universitaires de france, 1998
-l'argent by kent jones, bfi, 1999
-la bellezza e lo sguardo : il cinematografo di robert bresson by luciano de giusti, il castoro, 2000
-robert bresson by keith reader, manchester university press, 2000
-le cinema de robert bresson : de l'effet de reel à l'effet de sublime by jean-louis provoyeur, harmattan, 2003
-robert bresson: a spiritual style in film by joseph cunneen, continuum, 2003
-robert bresson by philippe arnaud, cahiers du cinema, 2003
-the hidden god, moma 2003 (includes james quandt on robert bresson’s au hasard balthasar and le diable probablement)
-touching god: the novels of georges bernanos in the films of robert bresson by beth kathryn curran, peter lang publishing, 2006
-journal d'un curé de campagne by georges bernanos, librarie plon, 1936 (english editions: macmillan co., 1965 & carroll & graf, 1983/2002)
-nouvelle histoire de mouchette by georges bernanos, librarie plon, 1937 (english edition: new york review books 2005)
(book quotes to follow)
((title from bresson's own book))
-more info found on univ. of california, berkeley library site
-for a very fine bibliography, see the essential cinema by anthology film archive
-download soundtrack to mouchette here
1 comment:
don't have all these books, would be interested in other suggestions as well.......
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