- pt anderson - there will be blood - 2007

- michelangelo antonioni - l'avventura - 1960

- the work of anna atkins
- david attenborough's the life of birds - 1998
with sound contributions by chris watson
- roy ward baker - a night to remember - 1958
- the work of bonnie prince billy
- my home is the sea & death in the sea (from superwolf)
- is it the sea
- west palm beach & gulf shores (from sings greatest palace music)
- seafarers music
- amalgamated sons of rest
- maurice blanchot - thomas l'obscur - 1941
thomas sat down and looked at the sea. he remained motionless for a time, as if he had come there to follow the movements of the other swimmers and, although the fog prevented him from seeing very far, he stayed there, obstinately, his eyes fixed on the bodies floating with difficulty. then, when a more powerful wave reached him, he went down onto the slopping sand and slipped among the currents, which quickly immersed him. the sea was calm, and thomas was in the habit of swimming for long periods without tiring. but today he had chosen a new route. the fog hid the shore. a cloud had come down upon him the sea and the surface was lost in a glow which seemed the only truly real thing...........
- william bradford - the arctic regions: illustrated with photographs taken on an art expedition to greenland - 1869 (with photographers john l. dunmore and george critcherson) *
- gavin bryars - the sinking of the titanic - various recordings
- charles burchfield - from his journals - 1934
a march storm was raging out of the north; the roar of the waves penetrated the room and dominated all other sounds; then it seemed as if the waves came right into the room, covering part of it, and then receding thru the walls as tho they were made of mist; and then kept surging thru again and again - once i saw a girl walking down the aisle almost engulfed; outside thru the window i could see the phalanxes of waves rushing toward the shore - i was filled with delight that i was to be in this room where the elements were so close, and came into the room.
- george butler - the endurance: shackleton's legendary antarctic expedition - 2000
- the work of james e. buttersworth
- marcel carné - port of shadows - 1938

- vija celmins - sea works
untitled (big sea #1) - 1969
- samuel taylor coleridge - rime of the ancient mariner - 1797-1798
and now the storm-blast came, and he
was tyrannous and strong :
he struck with his o'ertaking wings,
and chased us south along.
with sloping masts and dipping prow,
as who pursued with yell and blow
still treads the shadow of his foe,
and forward bends his head,
the ship drove fast, loud roared the blast,
the southward aye we fled.
and now there came both mist and snow,
and it grew wondrous cold :
and ice, mast-high, came floating by,
as green as emerald
- the life and work of joseph conrad *
- the seascapes of john constable
- the work of thomas joshua cooper
- john singleton copley - watson and the shark - 1778
- joseph cornell - jack's dream - ca. late 1930s
- the work of gustave courbet
- alvin curran - maritime rites - new world records - 2004
- richard henry dana jr. - two years before the mast, a personal narrative of life at sea - 1840
there is something in the first grey streaks stretching along the eastern horizon and throwing an indistinct light upon the face of the deep, which combines with the boundlessness and unknown depth of the sea around you, and gives one a feeling of loneliness, of dread, and of melancholy foreboding, which nothing else in nature can give.
- charles darwin - the voyage of the beagle - 1839
- daniel defoe - robinson crusoe - 1719
however, i was very grave for all that day, being also a little sea sick still; but towards night the weather cleared up, the wind was quite over, and a charming fine evening followed; the sun went down perfectly clear and rose so the next morning; and having little or no wind and a smooth sea, the sun shining upon it, the sight was, as i thought, the most delightful that ever i saw.
- donovan - hms donovan
- sergei eisenstein - bronenosets potyomkin - 1925
- robert j. flaherty - man of aran - 1934
- john ford - the long voyage home - 1940
(as well as eugene o'neill's the long voyage home, seven plays of the sea - 1919)

- the work of casper david friedrich
- antonio lópez garcía
- the work of gustav le grey
large wave, mediterranean sea - 1857
le vapeur - ca. 1856 - 1859
- howard hawks - to have and have not - 1944

- alfred hitchcock - rebecca - 1940
- alfred hitchcock - foreign correspondent - 1940,
- alfred hitchcock - lifeboat - 1944

- her majesty's ship (various)
hms endurance (ernst shackelton)
hms beagle (darwin)
hms challenger (ernst haeckel)
hms donovan
- the work of winslow homer
- works by paul huet
- the work of victor hugo
- frank hurley - south - 1919
(footage from the hms endurance)
- peter hutton - looking at the sea - 2000-2001, at sea - 2004-2007
(images to come)
- kon ichikawa - alone across the pacific - 1963
- the work of antonio jacobsen (known as the audubon of steam vessels)
- the work of tarrl lightowler

isle of north uist, scotland, on the ferry to skye - 2002

- frank lloyd - mutiny on the bounty - 1935
- h.p. lovecraft - at the mountains of madness - 1936
- terrence malick - the thin red line - 1998
- terrence malick - the thin red line - 1998

- stéphane mallarmé - sea breeze - 1865
and maybe the masts are such as are inclined
to shipwreck driven by tempestuous wind.
no fertile isle, no spar on which to cling...
but oh, my heart, listen to the sailors sing!
and, it may be, the masts, inviting storms
are of the sort that wind inclines to wrecks
lost, with no mast, no mast, or verdant isle...
but listen, oh my heart, the sailors sing!
- the work of edouard manet
and maybe the masts are such as are inclined
to shipwreck driven by tempestuous wind.
no fertile isle, no spar on which to cling...
but oh, my heart, listen to the sailors sing!
and, it may be, the masts, inviting storms
are of the sort that wind inclines to wrecks
lost, with no mast, no mast, or verdant isle...
but listen, oh my heart, the sailors sing!
- the work of edouard manet
- a film by agnes martin - gabriel - 1976

- winsor mccay - the sinking of the lusitania - 1918
- the life and work of herman melville
- jean-pierre melville - l'armée des l'ombres - 1969
- works by claude monet
- jean-pierre melville - l'armée des l'ombres - 1969
- works by claude monet
- works by edvard munch
- mystery sea label from belgium

- roy william neill - pursuit to algiers - 1945
- nurse with wound - salt marie celeste - united dairies - 2003
"sounds waved back and forth between two chords, providing a cold and creepy feeling of ship being lost at sea"
- the films of yasujiro ozu
- nurse with wound - salt marie celeste - united dairies - 2003
"sounds waved back and forth between two chords, providing a cold and creepy feeling of ship being lost at sea"
- the films of yasujiro ozu

- irving pichel, ernest b. schoedsack - the most dangerous game - 1932 *
- michael powell - the edge of the world - 1937
- satyajit ray - the world of apu - 1959
- the seestücks of gerhard richter
- mary shelley - frankenstein - 1831
the appearance of the sky is indescribably beautiful; clear by day and illuminated at night by the aurora borealis which spreads a roseate tinge over the heavens, & over the sea which reflects it's splendour.
- the work of percy bysshe shelley (was lost at sea in 1822)
the appearance of the sky is indescribably beautiful; clear by day and illuminated at night by the aurora borealis which spreads a roseate tinge over the heavens, & over the sea which reflects it's splendour.
- the work of percy bysshe shelley (was lost at sea in 1822)
unfathomable sea! whose waves are years,
ocean of time, whose waters of deep woe
are brackish with the salt of human tears!
thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
claspest the limits of mortality,
and sick of prey, yet howling on for more,
vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore;
treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,
who shall put forth on thee,
unfathomable sea?
(time by percy bysshe shelley)
ocean of time, whose waters of deep woe
are brackish with the salt of human tears!
thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
claspest the limits of mortality,
and sick of prey, yet howling on for more,
vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore;
treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,
who shall put forth on thee,
unfathomable sea?
(time by percy bysshe shelley)
- the work of seaworthy
- the smiths - i know it's over
- the smiths - i know it's over
oh mother, i can feel the soil falling over my head
see, the sea wants to take me
see, the sea wants to take me
- micheal snow - the end of wavelength - 1967 & atlantic - 1967
- hiroshi sugimoto - seascapes
- jonathan swift - gulliver's travels - 1726
... the weather being very hazy, the seaman spyed a rock, within half a cable's length of the ship; but the wind was so strong, that we were driven directly upon it, and immediately split .... we therefore trusted ourselves to the mercy of the waves, and in about half an hour the boat was overset by a sudden flurry from the north. what became of my companions in the boat, as well as those who escaped on the rock, or were left in the vessel, i cannot tell; but conclude they were all lost...
- françois truffaut - les quatre cents coups - 1959
final sequence
- the work of joseph mallord william turner
final sequence
- the work of joseph mallord william turner

signals in shallow water, and going by the lead. the author
was in this storm on the night the ariel left harwich - 1842
- the work of willem van de velde the younger
- voltaire - candide - 1759
while he was reasoning, the air grew dark, the winds blew from the four quarters of the globe and the ship was attacked by the most horrible tempest in sight of the port of lisbon....
while he was reasoning, the air grew dark, the winds blew from the four quarters of the globe and the ship was attacked by the most horrible tempest in sight of the port of lisbon....
- the work of chris watson
- peter weir - master and commander: the far side of the world - 2003
- h.g. wells - the island of dr. moreau - 1896
- h.g. wells - the island of dr. moreau - 1896
- the work of chris welsby

drift - 1994
- the work of james mcneill whistler
- frank arthur worsley - endurance: an epic of polar adventure - 1931
the gale was blowing up again with fresh force, and the little cabin, had become as noisy as a railway station. the turmoil of sound made it seem as though ghostly trains were rushing past the ship - trains of snow....
under the cheerless grey sky the water assumed a leaden hue. not a speck of colour anywhere broke the monotony: sea and sky were monochrome.
- works by hiroshi yamazaki