Thursday, February 9, 2012

birds for framework radio (2012.02.12)

a selection of bird related recordings curated by invisible birds
(matthew swiezynski and chief librarian sir arthur de eriomém)

on resonance : framework radio - show #362: 2012.02.12*

table of contents :

1. jonathan coleclough - from makruna minya - icr / siren records - 2004
track - makruna
2. dr. roger s. payne - from songs of the humpback whale (modifié par arthur de eriomém)
3. jean-claude roché - oiseaux du vénézuéla - edwards records - 1973 (w/ whale background)
4. thomas köner & yannick dauby from une topographie sonore: col de vence - mille plateaux - 2003
5. ingenting kollektiva - bird melody from side b of fragments of night looped - invisible birds - 2011
6. jean-claude roché - rossignols: a nocturne of nightingales - frémeaux & associés, 1993
track - a wood in the le de france
7. vikki jackman - whispering pages - faraway press - 2008
track - dreams
8. akio suzuki - odds and ends - hören - 2002
track - ta yu ta i #2 (birds and bird-like)
9. jonathan coleclough - from cake - siren records / robot records - 1998
10. douglas quin - antartica - miramar - 1998
tracks : wind harps from the taylor valley, canada glacier, and emperor penguins (ending : modifié par arthur de eriomém)
11. olivier messiaen's le chocard des alpes from catalogue d'oiseaux (modifié par arthur de eriomém)

(thank you to patrick mcginley for involving us in his framework radio)


Felicity Ford said...

Hi there, took a lovely long walk today and listened through to this show very carefully. What a great job you have done in mixing these sounds into such a seamless and atmospheric mix. I wondered about the drones though; are they all there in the original recordings, or did you add in some drones somehow to blend the different recordings together into a seamless whole? Really great listen, thanks for making this show.

the art of memory said...

hi Felicity,
tracks 2,3,5,6,10 and 11 have drones added, exaggerated or layered.