Friday, March 1, 2013

le vieux paris (illumination of detail)

matthew swiezynski  rue de vaugirard, 1909  1998

video which came out of a failed 16 mm film project. originally photographed in san francisco, only in locations where the cables transporting the cable cars could be heard. the ambiance of the cables would be the soundtrack.
once failed; the film was transferred to video, and then rephotographed with a video camera, with the video playing in various slow motions, and a contact mic on the screen to bring attention to the rhythms and allow the films colours to create timbre.

also inspired by eugène atget and charles marville's photographic work, capturing a subtle otherworldly quality from the decay of a soon to be destroyed old paris (pre haussmann plan).

books :

- eugène atget - the work of atget: the art of old paris - moma - 1982 (plus the other three other moma books published for the exhibitions on atget's life and work)
- eugène atget - atget's seven albums - yale university press - 1992
- eugène atget - atget paris - gingko - 1992
- eugène atget - atget the pioneer - prestel - 2000
- eugène atget - atget - moma - 2000
- eugène atget - atget: paris in detail - flammarion - 2002
- eugène atget - paris as gameboard: man ray's atgets - columbia university - 2002
- eugène atget/berenice abbott - berenice abbott/eugène atget - arena editions - 2002

- charles marville - marville paris - éditions hazan - 1994
- charles marville - charles marville - centre national de la photographie, paris - 1996

- françois  loyer - paris xix siecle: l'immeuble et la rue - éditions hazan - 1987


Esternome said...

Connaissez-vous les liens suivants ?

the art of memory said...

non, merci!