(aka the big carnival)
with kirk douglas, cinematography by charles lang
other great kirk douglas films i have watched lately:
-lonely are the brave, 1962 (d. david miller)
(a sad good bye to the west)
-paths of glory, 1957 (d. stanley kubrick)
-man without a star, 1955 (d. king vidor)
-out of the past, 1947 (d. jacques tourneur)
title (above) from kirk douglas in his interview found in the criterion collection 2-dvd set (a must have!).
I'm glad you mention Lonely are the Brave. That is one of my favorite films, not only because it is about that last transition from the old west to the modern era, but it has great disccusion points on truth and morality, personal responsibility and individualism.
you are right, it is a great film, i think it goes very well with ace in the hole, hopefully it will be on dvd some day.
i am slowly discovering that douglas is one of my favourite actors, the interview with him on the bonus disc is just so great.
Matthew, I have come to tell you that Ingmar Bergman died today :(
I can hardly believe...
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