some examples from robert motherwell/george wittenborn's documents of modern art (1944-1972), covers and typography by paul rand.
titles include:
guillaume apollinaire: the cubist painters (1944)
piet mondrain: plastic art and pure plastic art (1945)
lászló moholy-nagy: the new vision (1946)
louis henry sullivan: kindergarten chats (1947)
wassily kandinsky: concerning the spiritual in art (1947)
jean arp: on my way (1948)
max ernst: beyond painting (1948)
robert motherwell: the dada painters and poets: an anthology (1951)
david-henri kahnweiler: the rise of cubism (1949)
marcel raymond: from baudelaire to surrealism (1949)
georges duthuit: the fauvist painters (1950)
carola gideon-welcker: contemporary sculpture (1955)
marcel duchamp: the bride stripped bare by her bachelors, even (1960)
paul klee: the thinking eye + the nature of nature
k. malevich: essays on art (1971)
motherwell/wittenborn also published another series: problems of contemporary art (1945-1954). motherwell edited the documents of twentieth-century art with viking press (1971-1993).
46 titles (47 volumes) total
(title from duchamp's volume)
Did you see this:
yes, we have that one, but i haven't had access to it yet, that one looked real interesting. with pollock
have you looked through them?
I did look through that one when I was working on the exhibit... quite nice inside as I remember (text especially)*
Did Paul Rand design the jacket for "the bride stripped bare by her bachelors, even"?
i don't have access to them at the moment, but i don't think he did the cover for that one, but i can't say for sure.
there is a nice wittenborn site on the moma website that is quite informative.
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