spinning trees from andrei tarkovsky's ivanovo detstvo, 1962
(best of 2007)
-3/4hadbeeneliminated: theology (soleilmoon recordings)
-amiina: kurr (ever records)
-asher: in camera (homophoni)
-asher: untitled composition (for b) (leerraum)
-asher: the depths, the colors, the objects & the silence (mystery sea)
-william basinski: shortwave music (2062)
-william basinski: el camino real (2062)
-the beautiful schizophonic: musicamorosa (crónica)
-maurizio bianchi & jozef van wissem: das platinzeitalter (incunabulum)
-bonnie "prince" billy: ask forgiveness (drag city)
-bonnie "prince" billy: wai notes (sea note)
-james blackshaw: the cloud of unknowing (tompkins square)
-gavin bryars, philip jeck and alter ego: the sinking of the titanic (touch)
-vashti bunyan: some things just stick in your mind - early singles and demos 1964-1967 (dicristina stair)
-bill callahan: woke on a whaleheart and diamond dancer (dragcity)
-jefre cantu-ledesma: shining skull breath (students of decay)
-jefre cantu-ledesma: the garden of forking paths (spekk)
-michael cashmore: the snow abides (dutro jnana)
-celer: red seals (archaic horizon)
-celer: neon (s/r)
-celer: scols/sunlir (s/r)
-andrew chalk: the river that flows into the sands II (cd version, faraway press)
-andrew chalk: ghost on water & senshu (with daisuke and naoko suzuki) (faraway press)
-andrew chalk: goldfall (cd version, faraway press)
-andrew chalk: the days after (with daisuke suzuki) (faraway press)
-michael cashmore: the snow abides (dutro jnana)
-celer: red seals (archaic horizon)
-celer: neon (s/r)
-celer: scols/sunlir (s/r)
-andrew chalk: the river that flows into the sands II (cd version, faraway press)
-andrew chalk: ghost on water & senshu (with daisuke and naoko suzuki) (faraway press)
-andrew chalk: goldfall (cd version, faraway press)
-andrew chalk: the days after (with daisuke suzuki) (faraway press)
-andrew chalk: time of hayfield (faraway press) (guessing, have not heard)
-richard chartier: fabrication (with asmus tietchens) (die stadt)
-sylvain chauveau: nuage (type records)
-sylvain chauveau: s (type records)
-circle: tower (last visible dog)
-jonathan coleclough & andrew liles: torch songs (die stadt)
-colleen: les ondes silencieuses (leaf)
-eric cordier: osorezan selected field recording 1993 - 2006 (herbal records)
-karen dalton: cotton eyed joe (reissue)
-taylor deupree & christopher willits: listening garden (line)
-nick drake: family tree (tsunami)
-richard chartier: fabrication (with asmus tietchens) (die stadt)
-sylvain chauveau: nuage (type records)
-sylvain chauveau: s (type records)
-circle: tower (last visible dog)
-jonathan coleclough & andrew liles: torch songs (die stadt)
-colleen: les ondes silencieuses (leaf)
-eric cordier: osorezan selected field recording 1993 - 2006 (herbal records)
-karen dalton: cotton eyed joe (reissue)
-taylor deupree & christopher willits: listening garden (line)
-nick drake: family tree (tsunami)
-marcel duchamp: musical erratum + in conversation (reissue, ltm)
-earth: hibernaculum (southern lord)
-fear falls burning: once we all walk through solid objects (tonefloat)
-fennesz/ryuichi sakamoto: cendre (touch)
-food: molecular gastronomy (runegrammofon) (i am guessing, have not heard)
-ben frost: steel wound (rerelease room40)
-ben frost: theory of machines (bedroom community)
-gogooo: à côté (moar)
-the hafler trio: an answer (die stadt)
-hala strana: heave the gambrel roof (music fellowship)
-tim hecker: norberg (room40)
-arve henriksen: strjon (runegrammofon)
-fovea hex: allure ep (die stadt/janet)
-john hudak: sunday (bremsstrahlung recordings)
-guiseppe ielasi: august (12k)
-islaja: ulual yyy (fonal)
-vikki jackman: of beauty reminiscing (faraway press)
-jgrzinich: minema (maaheli editions)
-jgrzinich: rudiment of two (edition sonoro)
-klimek: dedications (anticipate)
-earth: hibernaculum (southern lord)
-fear falls burning: once we all walk through solid objects (tonefloat)
-fennesz/ryuichi sakamoto: cendre (touch)
-food: molecular gastronomy (runegrammofon) (i am guessing, have not heard)
-ben frost: steel wound (rerelease room40)
-ben frost: theory of machines (bedroom community)
-gogooo: à côté (moar)
-the hafler trio: an answer (die stadt)
-hala strana: heave the gambrel roof (music fellowship)
-tim hecker: norberg (room40)
-arve henriksen: strjon (runegrammofon)
-fovea hex: allure ep (die stadt/janet)
-john hudak: sunday (bremsstrahlung recordings)
-guiseppe ielasi: august (12k)
-islaja: ulual yyy (fonal)
-vikki jackman: of beauty reminiscing (faraway press)
-jgrzinich: minema (maaheli editions)
-jgrzinich: rudiment of two (edition sonoro)
-klimek: dedications (anticipate)
-christina kubisch: night flights (important)
-jean-françois laporte: soundmatters (23five)
-larsen and friends: abeceda (important)
-jasper leyland: fieldstone (benbecula records)
-francisco lópez: lopez island (elevator bath)
-jean-françois laporte: soundmatters (23five)
-larsen and friends: abeceda (important)
-jasper leyland: fieldstone (benbecula records)
-francisco lópez: lopez island (elevator bath)
-m83: digital shades vol. 1 (s/r)
-machinefabriek: weeler (lampse)
-machinefabriek: zeeg (rutger zuydervelt & mariska baars & wouter van veldhoven)
-machinefabriek + leo fabriek: fabriek + fabriek (s/r)
-machinefabriek: koploop (w/ anne bakker & greg haines + alt. version) (s/r)
-machinefabriek: piano.wav (s/r)
-machinefabriek & aaron martin: cello recycling/cello drowning (type records)
-stephan mathieu: myspace transcriptions
-daniel menche: wolf's milk (utech)
-machinefabriek: zeeg (rutger zuydervelt & mariska baars & wouter van veldhoven)
-machinefabriek + leo fabriek: fabriek + fabriek (s/r)
-machinefabriek: koploop (w/ anne bakker & greg haines + alt. version) (s/r)
-machinefabriek: piano.wav (s/r)
-machinefabriek & aaron martin: cello recycling/cello drowning (type records)
-stephan mathieu: myspace transcriptions
-daniel menche: wolf's milk (utech)
-meursault: sleeping debris (students of decay)
-moljebka pvlse: driftsond (gears of sand)
-murmer: we share a shadow (helen scarsdale agency)
-joanna newsom: joanna newsom & the ys street band ep (drag city)
-bj nilsen: second childhood (with hildur gudnadóttir and stilluppsteypa) (quecksilber)
-bj nilsen: the short night (touch)
-moljebka pvlse: driftsond (gears of sand)
-murmer: we share a shadow (helen scarsdale agency)
-joanna newsom: joanna newsom & the ys street band ep (drag city)
-bj nilsen: second childhood (with hildur gudnadóttir and stilluppsteypa) (quecksilber)
-bj nilsen: the short night (touch)
-alva noto: xerrox vol. 1 (raster-noton)
-yui onodera: suisei (and/oar)
-yui onodera: rhizome (gears of sand)
-ov: noctilucent valleys (soft abuse)
-panda bear: person pitch (paw tracks)
-steve peters: three rooms
-yui onodera: suisei (and/oar)
-yui onodera: rhizome (gears of sand)
-ov: noctilucent valleys (soft abuse)
-panda bear: person pitch (paw tracks)
-steve peters: three rooms
-eliane radique: chry-ptus (schoolmaps)
-radiohead: in rainbows (s/r)
-steve roden: 9-sided room (touch radio)
-steve roden: dark over light earth (w/ jacob danziger) (new plastic music)
-steve roden: one stone. and arcs and ears. (new plastic music)
-steve roden: dark over light earth (w/ jacob danziger) (new plastic music)
-steve roden: one stone. and arcs and ears. (new plastic music)
-sigur rós: hvarf - heim (xl recordings)
-valgeir sigurðsson: ekvílibríum (bedroom community)
-richard skelton: box of birch (s/r)
-richard skelton: riftmusic (s/r)
-steven r. smith: the anchorite (important)
-stars of the lid: carte-de-visite (s/r)
-stars of the lid: stars of the lid and their refinement of the decline (kranky)
-steinbrüchel: basis (room40)
-supersilent: supersilent 8 (rune grammofon)
-susanna: sonata mix dwarf cosmos (rune grammofon)
-david sylvian: when loud weather buffeted naoshima (samadhisound)
-tape & minamo: birds of a feather (ex-po/headz)
-tenniscoats: tan-tan therapy (hapna)
-tenniscoats: totemo aimasho (room40)
-tzesne: cliffs under the mist (mystery sea)
-christian wallumrod: the zoo is far (ecm)
-mark wastell: come crimson rays (kning disk)
-chris watson: oceanus pacificus (touch)
-wilco: sky blue sky (nonesuch)
-christopher willits + ryuichi sakamoto: ocean fire (12k)
-jozef van wissem: stations of the cross (incunabulum)
-peter wright: at last a new dawn (students of decay)
-peter wright / the north sea / agitated radio pilot: split (deserted village)
-robert wyatt: comicopera (domino)
-savvas ysatis + taylor deupree: the sleeping morning (12k)
-various artists: airport symphony (room40)
-various artists: yasujiro ozu - hitokomakura (and/oar)
-various artists: extract: portraits of soundartists (nvo)
-robert bresson: mouchette (criterion)
-paul robeson: portraits of the artist (criterion)
-vittorio de sica: bicycle thieves (criterion)
-sidney gilliat: green for danger (criterion)
-valgeir sigurðsson: ekvílibríum (bedroom community)
-richard skelton: box of birch (s/r)
-richard skelton: riftmusic (s/r)
-steven r. smith: the anchorite (important)
-stars of the lid: carte-de-visite (s/r)
-stars of the lid: stars of the lid and their refinement of the decline (kranky)
-steinbrüchel: basis (room40)
-supersilent: supersilent 8 (rune grammofon)
-susanna: sonata mix dwarf cosmos (rune grammofon)
-david sylvian: when loud weather buffeted naoshima (samadhisound)
-tape & minamo: birds of a feather (ex-po/headz)
-tenniscoats: tan-tan therapy (hapna)
-tenniscoats: totemo aimasho (room40)
-tzesne: cliffs under the mist (mystery sea)
-christian wallumrod: the zoo is far (ecm)
-mark wastell: come crimson rays (kning disk)
-chris watson: oceanus pacificus (touch)
-wilco: sky blue sky (nonesuch)
-christopher willits + ryuichi sakamoto: ocean fire (12k)
-jozef van wissem: stations of the cross (incunabulum)
-peter wright: at last a new dawn (students of decay)
-peter wright / the north sea / agitated radio pilot: split (deserted village)
-robert wyatt: comicopera (domino)
-savvas ysatis + taylor deupree: the sleeping morning (12k)
-various artists: airport symphony (room40)
-various artists: yasujiro ozu - hitokomakura (and/oar)
-various artists: extract: portraits of soundartists (nvo)
-robert bresson: mouchette (criterion)
-paul robeson: portraits of the artist (criterion)
-vittorio de sica: bicycle thieves (criterion)
-sidney gilliat: green for danger (criterion)
-claude berri: the two of us (criterion)
-michael powell: 49th parallel (criterion)
-mikio naruse: when a woman ascends the stairs (criterion)
-kon ichikawa: fires on the plain & the burmese harp (criterion)
-jules dassin: the naked city & brute force (criterion)
-jean-pierre melville: army of shadows (criterion)
-kenji mizoguchi: sansho the bailiff (criterion)
-akira kurosawa: yojimbo/sanjuro (criterion)
-carol reed: the third man (criterion)
-lindsay anderson: if... (criterion)
-lindsay anderson: o lucky man! (warner home video)
-hiroshi teshigahara: three films by hiroshi teshigahara (criterion)
-billy wilder: ace in the hole (criterion)
-andrei tarkovsky: ivan's childhood (criterion)
-jim jarmusch: stranger than paradise & night on earth (armin mueller-stahl, rome and helsinki only) (criterion)
-georg wilhelm pabst: the threepenny opera (criterion)
-terrence malick: days of heaven (criterion)
-rainer werner fassbinder: berlin alexanderplatz (criterion)
-michael powell: 49th parallel (criterion)
-mikio naruse: when a woman ascends the stairs (criterion)
-kon ichikawa: fires on the plain & the burmese harp (criterion)
-jules dassin: the naked city & brute force (criterion)
-jean-pierre melville: army of shadows (criterion)
-kenji mizoguchi: sansho the bailiff (criterion)
-akira kurosawa: yojimbo/sanjuro (criterion)
-carol reed: the third man (criterion)
-lindsay anderson: if... (criterion)
-lindsay anderson: o lucky man! (warner home video)
-hiroshi teshigahara: three films by hiroshi teshigahara (criterion)
-billy wilder: ace in the hole (criterion)
-andrei tarkovsky: ivan's childhood (criterion)
-jim jarmusch: stranger than paradise & night on earth (armin mueller-stahl, rome and helsinki only) (criterion)
-georg wilhelm pabst: the threepenny opera (criterion)
-terrence malick: days of heaven (criterion)
-rainer werner fassbinder: berlin alexanderplatz (criterion)
-monte hellman: two-lane blacktop (criterion)
-criterion eclipse series (ozu, bergman, fuller, bernard)
-frantisek vlácil: marketa lazarová (second run)
-werner herzog: rescue dawn (mgm)
-david lynch: twin peaks vol. 2 (plus vol 1 + 2 boxset i am guessing) (paramount home video)
-abbas kiarostami: five dedicated to ozu (kino)
-evelina domnitch + dmitry gelfand: camera lucida (line)
-tony richardson: the loneliness of the long distance runner (warner home video)
-nuri bilge ceylan: climates (zeitgeist films)
-fritz lang: the return of frank james (20th century fox)
-nicholas ray: the true story of jesse james (20th century fox)
-john ford: ford at fox (twentieth century fox)
-kenneth anger: the films of kenneth anger (fantoma)
-sigur rós: heima (xl recordings)
-philip gröning: into great silence (zeitgeist films)
-david lynch: inland empire (theater + dvd)
-charles burnett: killer of sheep (theater + dvd)
-david cronenberg: eastern promises (theater + dvd)
-paul greengrass: the bourne ultimatum (theater)
-cohen brothers: no country for old men (theater)
-pt anderson: there will be blood (theater)

-criterion eclipse series (ozu, bergman, fuller, bernard)
-frantisek vlácil: marketa lazarová (second run)
-werner herzog: rescue dawn (mgm)
-david lynch: twin peaks vol. 2 (plus vol 1 + 2 boxset i am guessing) (paramount home video)
-abbas kiarostami: five dedicated to ozu (kino)
-evelina domnitch + dmitry gelfand: camera lucida (line)
-tony richardson: the loneliness of the long distance runner (warner home video)
-nuri bilge ceylan: climates (zeitgeist films)
-fritz lang: the return of frank james (20th century fox)
-nicholas ray: the true story of jesse james (20th century fox)
-john ford: ford at fox (twentieth century fox)
-kenneth anger: the films of kenneth anger (fantoma)
-sigur rós: heima (xl recordings)
-philip gröning: into great silence (zeitgeist films)
-david lynch: inland empire (theater + dvd)
-charles burnett: killer of sheep (theater + dvd)
-david cronenberg: eastern promises (theater + dvd)
-paul greengrass: the bourne ultimatum (theater)
-cohen brothers: no country for old men (theater)
-pt anderson: there will be blood (theater)

leather cover (1932) from
walter benjamin's archive (verso press)
-walter benjamin's archive (verso)
-bergman interviews (univ press of mississippi)
-marco breuer: early recordings (aperature)
-paul celan: snow part (the sheep meadow press)
-thomas joshua cooper: ojo de agua / eye of the water (pace wildenstein)
-joseph cornell: navigating the imagination (yale university press)
-joseph cornell's dreams (exact change)
-gregory crewdson: fireflies (skarstedt)
-bergman interviews (univ press of mississippi)
-marco breuer: early recordings (aperature)
-paul celan: snow part (the sheep meadow press)
-thomas joshua cooper: ojo de agua / eye of the water (pace wildenstein)
-joseph cornell: navigating the imagination (yale university press)
-joseph cornell's dreams (exact change)
-gregory crewdson: fireflies (skarstedt)
-lorraine daston & peter galison: objectivity (zone books)
-leonardo da vinci: experience, experiment, and design (princeton univ. press)
-leonardo da vinci: experience, experiment, and design (princeton univ. press)
-declaring space: mark rothko, barnett newman, lucio fontana, yves klein (prestel)
-rainer werner fassbinder: berlin alexanderplatz (schirmer/mosel)
-edward hopper: an intimate biography (rizzoli) (still need to read)
-edward hopper (mfa boston)
-silent theater: the art of edward hopper (phaidon)
-anselm kiefer (skira)
-anselm kiefer / paul celan: myth, mourning and memory (thames & hudson)
-edvard munch: signs of modern art (hatje cantz)
-the painter's garden: design, inspiration, delight (hatje cantz)
-richard pare: the lost vanguard: russian modernist architecture 1922-1932 (monacelli)
-as in a dream: odilon redon (hatje cantz)
-richard serra sculpture: forty years (moma)
-richard serra: rolled and forged (steidl)
-instant light: tarkovsky poloroids (thames & hudson)
-j.m.w. turner (tate publishing)
-vincent van gogh, painted with words: letters to emile bernard (rizzoli)
-vermeer (the overlook press)
-rainer werner fassbinder: berlin alexanderplatz (schirmer/mosel)
-edward hopper: an intimate biography (rizzoli) (still need to read)
-edward hopper (mfa boston)
-silent theater: the art of edward hopper (phaidon)
-anselm kiefer (skira)
-anselm kiefer / paul celan: myth, mourning and memory (thames & hudson)
-edvard munch: signs of modern art (hatje cantz)
-the painter's garden: design, inspiration, delight (hatje cantz)
-richard pare: the lost vanguard: russian modernist architecture 1922-1932 (monacelli)
-as in a dream: odilon redon (hatje cantz)
-richard serra sculpture: forty years (moma)
-richard serra: rolled and forged (steidl)
-instant light: tarkovsky poloroids (thames & hudson)
-j.m.w. turner (tate publishing)
-vincent van gogh, painted with words: letters to emile bernard (rizzoli)
-vermeer (the overlook press)
Well I'll be....
A very fine list...
Will have to place on the frig for daily reference.
I just saw Ivanovo Detstvo again recently and was stunned by the spinning tree sequence (a real beauty), but also the amazing colors which I had not remembered - all earth and muted...
i find i keep adding to it, things i forgot, might grow in the next few weeks.
i just got some amazing books from the great bookstore in sacramento, some rare joseph cornell books and this great zone book "objectivity", complete munch prints, george de la tour and anni albers for diane. some other great things......
Yes, an impressive list. What would we do without Criterion?
Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to hear much new music. The López and murmer discs are on their way to me though, and I did get the Celer double. There's some good stuff on netlabels too (you'd probably like Stasisfield).
criterion is just amazing, and they get better each year.
i would love to have them myself, i mainly rent them.
never heard of stasifield, thanks
and the lopez and murmer discs are truly stunning.
Well, so Ivanovo Detstvo *is* in Black and White... but I remember colors...
I wasn't going to say anything ... but consider that memories can (tend to?) be more accurate than direct perception.
just like david lynch says
And Tarkovsky... The house remembered (in The Mirror) is more resilient than the house revisited...
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