(some books for summer reading)
- carter e. forster - edward hopper - skira - 2009
exhibition catalogue for show in milano, roma, lausanne
- hiroshi sugimoto: nature of light - izu photo museum - 2010
exhibition catalogue for show at the izu photo museum in shizuoka
- john cage - zen ox-herding pictures - george braziller - 2009
- athanasius kircher - athanasius kircher's theatre of the world: the life and work of the last man to search for universal knowledge - inner tradition - 2009
- francois le lionnais - the orion book of time - the orion press - 1959/1960
title from this book - haiku by basho
- donald judd: architecture - hatje cantz - 1991/200
- donald judd: architecture in marfa, texas - birkhauser - 2007
had these around at work and never found it necessary to buy until they went op
another coming out soon on chinati buildings by marianne stockebrand
- roberto schezen (photography) - adolf loos: architecture 1903-1932 - the monacelli press - 1996/2009
(wagner - olbrich - plecnik - hoffmann - loos - wittgenstein - good architects for fine young citizens)
- yukio futagawa (photography) - wooden houses in europe - a.d.a. edita - 1978/1991
- bram stoker - dracula (1897) - everyman's library - 2010
- h.g. wells - the man that could work miracles: the supernatural tales of h.g. wells - tartarus press - 2006
- george eliot - the mill on the floss (1860) - everyman's library - 1908/1992
- j.l. carr - a month in the country (1980) - nyrb - 2000
- italo calvino - fantastic tales: visionary and everyday - random house - 1983/1997
- tarjei vesaas - the boat in the evening (1968) - peter owen modern classics - 2003
- leo tolstoy - the death of ivan ilyich & other stories - alfred a. knopf - 2009
includes the forged coupon, aka, l'argent
- joseph sheridan le fanu - uncle silas (1864) - penguin books - 2000
- joseph sheridan le fanu - best ghost stories of j.s. le fanu - dover publications - 1964
- the haunted looking glass: ghost stories chosen by edward gorey - new york review books - 1959/2001
- three gothic novels: the castle of otranto by horace walpole, vathek by william beckford, the vampyre by john polidori and a fragment of a novel by lord byron - dover publications - 1966
- m.r. james - count mangus and other ghost stories - penguin books - 2005
- m.r. james - the haunted dolls house and other ghost stories - penguin books - 2006
- lord dunsany - in the land of time and other fantasy tales - penguin books - 2004
- cornell woolrich - the black angel (1943) - pegasus books - 2008
- w.f. harvey - the beast with five fingers (1928) - wordsworth editions - 2009
- fredric brown - here comes a candle (1950) - millipede press - 2006
- patricia highsmith - the selected stories of patricia highsmith - norton - 2001
- heinrich von kleist - selected prose of heinrich von kleist - archipelago books - 2009
- larry mcmurtry - dead man's walk - simon & schuster - 1995/2004
- larry mcmurtry - comanche moon - simon & schuster - 1997/2003
- robert walser - the microscripts - new directions - 2010
- h.g. wells - the time machine, the invisible man, the war of the worlds - everyman's library - 2010
forthcoming - read the second 2 last year, truly overwhelming, esp. the war of the worlds
slept with the lights on for a month - also of interest: daphne du maurier's the birds
(thanks to the wool and elevator libraries for many of the novels)
Yes, War of the Worlds is pretty creepy. You should try First Men in the Moon, which is not what I expected.
I was underwhelmed by Ivan Ilyich and shorter Tolstoy in general (e.g. "Kreutzer Sonata"). He just seems to be beating you over the head with his overwrought Russian moralism, which bugs the hell out of me. I've never read the big long ones though -- those are supposed to be good.
i will try the moon one, thanks.
creepy is a good word for them.
mainly want to read l'argent.
i have the longer ones but haven't read them either.
don't dig no isms myself
mainly want to read l'argent
Well, that makes sense.
john cage - zen ox-herding pictures - george braziller - 2009
i want to see, please?
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