- chantal akerman - news from home - 1977

- yong-kyun bae - why has bodhi-dharma left for the east? - 1989

- frank borzage - a farewell to arms - 1932

- clarence brown - anna karenina - 1935

- marcel carné - thérèse raquin - 1953

- noel coward & david lean - in which we serve - 1942

- terence davies - of time and the city - 2008

- john ford - the world moves on - 1934

- john ford - wee willie winkie - 1937

- henry hathaway - kiss of death - 1947

- howard hawks - i was a male war bride - 1949

- alfred hitchcock - north by northwest - 1959

- james ivory - a room with a view - 1985

- jim jarmusch - broken flowers - 2005

- phil karlson (sam fuller novel) - scandal sheet - 1952

- masaki kobayashi - the human condition - 1959-1961

- alexander mackendrick - the ladykillers - 1955

- jean-pierre melville - le cercle rouge - 1970

- michael powell & emeric pressburger - a canterbury tale - 1944

- michael powell & emeric pressburger - i know where i'm going - 1945

- karel reisz - saturday night and sunday morning - 1960

- william a. seiter - if you could only cook - 1935

- jim sheridan - the boxer - 1997

- douglas sirk (sam fuller writer) - shockproof - 1949

- vilgot sjöman - ingmar bergman makes a movie - 1963

- george stevens - giant - 1956

- andrzej wajda - katyn - 2007

- billy wilder - the major and the minor - 1942

- 1 - primer
- woyzeck - being number 2
- 3
- swiezynski/fludd
- bresson/fuller/melville
- 4
- night passage
- high and low
- 5
- 6
- make way for tomorrow
- les rendez-vous d'anna
- the narrow margin
these are so wonderful to see....
thank you.
thanks, je rappel
A very suggestive sequences of cinematographic frames. Thanks.
thanks janas
Tony Judt on the modern railway: "The very notion of society existing in terms of classes, in terms of collective life, public and private space, cities and the relationship between city and country; the idea of time, of time as something that organizes us rather than we organizing it--these were all railway creations." (The Nation, May 17, 2010, pp. 18--21).
thanks kate.
very nice. i think that relates to these 2 books, one i haven't read
and one i have just read part of and want to acquire and get further into
Thanks for the references and this post brought to mind the stunning railway scene in Pather Panchali by Satyajit Ray. I just noticed Ray was asst. to Renoir in your most recent film post on The River.
Excellent post, although I believe you missed one.
What film was it...?
Oh, that's right, Mother and Son. It's just barely in the frame, though, more of a puff of smoke than anything. Aside from that one omission I think you've got them all. Excellent work.
it has been a while since i have seen that film, i don't remember it too well. keep wanting to see again because i remember liking it, can't stand his other films though to be honest, but i like the idea of the russian ark, but the film itself is kind of mediocre.
i am working on the next train post now, have about 60 frames so far, need another 40 or so.
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