-images (d. robert altman)
-lucifer rising (d. kenneth anger)
*tomorrow (d. joseph anthony) with robert duvall
*bad company (d. robert benton) with jeff bridges and john savage, cinematography by gordon willis
*what's up, doc? (d. peter bogdanovich) with randy quaid and m. emmet walsh, cinematography by lászló kovács
*deliverance (d. john boorman) with jon voight and ned beatty, cinematography by vilmos zsigmond
*the wold shadow (d. stan brakhage)
*the godfather (d. francis ford coppola) with john cazale, robert duvall, sterling hayden and many others, cinematography by gordon willis
-the last house on the left (d. wes craven)
-frenzy (d. alfred hitchcock)
*fat city (d. john huston) with stacy keach and jeff bridges, cinematography by conrad l. hall
-the offence (d. sidney lumet)
-the great northfield minnesota raid (d. philip kaufman) with cliff robertson and robert duvall
-the heartbreak kid (d. elaine may)
-reminiscences of a journey to lithuania (d. jonas mekas)
-night of the cobra women (d. andrew meyer)
-take off (d. gunvor nelson)
-moon pool (d. gunvor nelson)
-cisco pike (d. bill l. norton) with harry dean stanton, gene hackman and kris kristofferson
*junior bonner (d. sam peckinpah) with ben johnson, steve mcqueen, robert preston and ida lupino, cinematography by lucien ballard. easily peckinpah's best
-the getaway (d. sam peckinpah) cinematography by lucien ballard
-jeremiah johnson (d. sydney pollack)
-the king of marvin gardens (d. bob rafelson) cinematography by lászló kovács
-the candidate (d. michael ritchie) with peter boyle and allen garfield
-pete 'n' tillie (d. martin ritt) with walter matthau
*j.w. coop (d. cliff robertson)
-pocket money (d. stuart rosenberg) with paul newman, cinematography by lászló kovács
-last of the red hot lovers (d. gene saks) with alan arkin, sally kellerman and paula prentiss
-the man (d. joseph sargent) with burgess meredith
-boxcar bertha (d. martin scorsese)
-joe kidd (d. john sturges) with clint eastwood
-avanti? (d. billy wilder) with jack lemmon
-deadhead miles (d. vernon zimmerman) written by terrence malik