*nashville (d. robert altman)
*the passenger (d. michelangelo antonioni) not really american, but starring jack nicholson
*shampoo (d. hal ashby) cinematography by lászló kovács
-at long last love (d. peter bogdanovich)
*white heart (d. daniel barnett)
-capone (d. steve carver) with ben gazzara and john cassavetes
*shivers (d. david cronenberg) a.k.a. they came from within, canadian
-the eiger sanction (d. clint eastwood)
*one flew over the cuckoo's nest (d. milos forman) cinematography by haskell wexler and bill butler
-the french connection II (d. john frankenheimer)
-pine barrens (d. nancy holt)
*barry lyndon (d. stanley kubrick) cinematography by john alcott, not american
*dawn burn (d. mary lucier)
*dog day afternoon (d. sidney lumet)
-92 in the shade (d. thomas mcguane)
-the killer elite (d. sam peckinpah)
-night moves (d. arthur penn) with gene hackman
*rancho deluxe (d. frank perry) with jeff bridges, harry dean stanton, sam waterston and slim pickens, cinematography by william a. fraker
*three days of the condor (d. sydney pollack) cinematography by owen roizman
*rafferty and the gold dust twins (d. dick richards) with alan arkin as a great drunk anti-hero
-the drowning pool (d. stuart rosenberg) cinematography by gordon willis
-the sunshine boys (d. herbert ross) with walter matthau and george burns
-the day of the locust (d. john schlesinger) cinematography by conrad l. hall
-jaws (d. steven spielberg) cinematography by bill butler