-being there (d. hal ashby)
-oklahoma (d. james benning)
-saint jack (d. peter bogdanovich) with ben gazzara, cinematography by robby müller
*the china syndrome (d. james bridges) with jack lemmon
-an evening at home (d. gail camhi)
*apocalypse now (d. francis ford coppola)
-fast company (d. david cronenberg) not american, but good
*the brood (d. david cronenberg)
-the warriors (d. walter hill)
-the in-laws (d. arthur hiller) with alan arkin and peter falk
-wise blood (d. john huston)
*tess (d. roman polanski) not really american, cinematography by ghislain cloquet and geoffrey unsworth
-winter kills (d. william richert)
*hardcore (d. paul schrader) with peter boyle, cinematography by michael chapman
*alien (d. ridley scott) with harry dean stanton and john hurt
*escape from alcatraz (d. don siegel)