*the long goodbye (d. robert altman) with elliot gould and sterling hayden, cinematography by vilmos zsigmond
*the last detail (d. hal ashby) with randy quaid and michael chapman as taxi driver, cinematography by michael chapman
*save the tiger (d. john g. avildsen) with jack lemmon
*paper moon (d. peter bogdanovich) cinematography by lászló kovács
-the horse (d. charles burnett)
-marilyn times five (d. bruce conner)
-the seven-ups (d. philip d'antoni) with roy scheider and tony lo bianco
*payday (d. daryl duke) with rip torn
*high plains drifter (d. clint eastwood)
-the iceman cometh (d. john frankenheimer)
-kid blue (d. james frawley) with warren oates, peter boyle and ben johnson
*the excorcist (d. william friedkin) cinematography by owen roizman
-electra glide in blue (d. james william guercio) with robert blake, cinematography by conrad l. hall
-the last american hero (d. lamont johnson) with jeff bridges, gary busey and ned beatty
*serpico (d. sidney lumet)
*badlands (d. terrence malick)
-blume in love (d. paul mazursky) with george segal
-dillinger (d. john milius) with harry dean stanton and warren oates
*pat garrett & billy the kid (d. sam peckinpah) with bob dylan and kris kristofferson
-magnum force (d. ted post) with clint eastwood
*don't look now (d. nicolas roeg) not american but starring donald sutherland
-the crazies (d. george romero)
-the laughing policeman (d. stuart rosenberg) with walter matthau and val avery
-white lightning (d. joseph sargent)
-papillon (d. franklin j. schaffner)
-scarecrow (d. jerry schatzberg) with gene hackman and al pacino
*mean streets (d. martin scorsese)
*charley varrick (d. don siegel) with walter matthau